andres burbano | projects

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2013 | Zoophonie Scores | Stem Project

Photographic impression of a series of musical notation scores representing the songs of the birds.

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2013 | RGB Camarena

Launch of a helium ballon to the Stratosphere with an experiment with 3 black and white video cameras

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Gas Sensor Network with Wiring. for the STEM Project. STEM is an ongoing initiative developed by the Media Arts and Technology Program at UCSB.

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2011 | New Dunites

New Dunites is a site-specific art project comprising research and a multimedia installation. It investigates a historically rich geographic site in an attempt to articulate the intersection of two distinct concepts: "Archeology of the Media" - a term coined and developed by authors like Siegfried Zielinski, Friedrich Kittler and Erkki Huhtamo, that reflects on today's technologies by linking them to the socio technical histories out of which they emerged - and "Steps to an Ecology" - which stems from the work of the philosopher and cyberneticist Gregory Bateson -. Bateson understood "Ecology" not as something given but as a place one arrives to through careful preparation.

The New Dunites from The New Dunites on Vimeo.

Documentary | Project Scientific Team | ACM Multimedia, Japan | Website

2009 | Gas Sensors Box | Stem Project

Gas Sensor Network with Wiring. for the STEM Project. STEM is an ongoing initiative developed by the Media Arts and Technology Program at UCSB.
The Sustainable Technologies for Experimental Media Project aims to cultivate relationships between media arts and the environment. Phase 1: Collecting Environmental Data. Phase 2: Visualization and Display. Phase 3: Parametric Design of Structures. Environmental data and energy are harnessed in the production of low-powered multimedia systems and spaces. Sustainable Technologies for Experimental Media.

PDF STEM project

2009 | Iphone, Robio and COSM

Info comming soon

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2009 | Self Assembled Sculpture in Zero Gravity Proposal

Magnets are flexible material elements for our purposes as far as they have two states: attraction and repulsion that condition can be seen as a binary information principle. Additionally there are surfaces on the magnets -often the sides- that can be neutral, so at the end we do have three different states of matter that can be the seed of a self assembled complex structures.In absence of gravity actually it is possible to explore self assembled structures in three dimensions detached from the ground. The aim of the project is to create controlled conditions in zero gravity to build a self assembled small structure based on magnets, or probably the combination of magnets and velcro.

PDF document

2009 | STK Maya

I decided to adapt a STK exercise from the STK manual about of Venus Transit to do the scenario and calculations from the largest Maya Observatory at Chich�n Itz� and also in the times that those transits occur in the firs 1500 years AC -Period of important Maya Civilization achievements -.

PDF document - at the end

2009 | Data Visualization Clock

A twelve hours clock shape is the base of a data visualizatin. The data set comes from the Seattle Public Library and now is working with only one day. The interaction works as a zoom (mouse Y axis movement). The zoom works in a literal way and also as a simbolic way, because it is changing scales (hours, log (10), log (2), 10 categories) while the zoom goes in. In the visualization we can see information about, Total Traffic, Check In Check Out, and Dewey Categories, all of them differentiated in hours a day (10 hours between 10:00 am to 8:00 pm).

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2008 | Young Leonardos

We seek to make visible, connect and help Young Leonardos around the world. We believe that we must cross fertilise the best ideas and techniques of the arts, sciences, and technology to set in motion the changes needed to make our society just and sustainable.
Think for one moment on the word vision*, it means at he same time to see and also anticipation, imaging the future. Having it in mind Young Leonardos Initiative: Yole, is a platform to imagine, to think the relationship between knowledge, creativity and critical thinking but projected to the future. What does it mean? thinking on projects that are involving young people, the people that actually represent the future.

FaceBook Group

2007 | Paradiso in the Fog Screen

Paradiso is a basic 3D model in OpenGL of "Paradiso" structure as is described in the "Divina Commedia" by Dante Alighieri (The order of the Spheres of "Paradiso" is: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Stars, Primum Mobile and Empyrean). Paradiso is also an attempt to explore the possibility to translate the experience to fly using a virtual scene and external input, because it works with an ultrasonic ping sensor that measures the differences in motion of the hand-harm distance of the user respect to the sensor. The sensor is not invasive so the user can interact only with his/her movement. Paradiso is a sketch for an interactive installation.

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2006 | Inalambrica DC - Public WiFi for Bogota

The basic idea of this project is to provide free internet access ussing WIFI in different places in Bogota, far from thinking on a large scale network we are working on a net of people who can adequate some personal routers, antennas etc, to re-direct and cover some public places as parks, squares, etc on the city. Now the WIFI network "Inalambrica DC" has 10 active interconnected -wds- nodes. People from different universities and schools, enginiers and artist are working together in this collective and self founded project.

Inalambrica DC Web Site

2006 SLOW

SLOW is the acronym of "Software Libre para OSx y Windows". (Open source for OSx and Windows). Based on the idea that GNU is more complex, larger and deeper than only Linux. "SLOW" is an Open Source software distribution, our idea is to provide Open Source sofware for the most common operative systems, given slow steps in order to migrate to Open Source software, which is very interesting and adequate for our conditions in Colombia. Usually "SLOW" operates as a nomad lab in public spaces and educative institutions. Far from unnecessary radicalisms, "SLOW" is a project to stimulate the use of Open Source in order to expand our software ecology.

SLOW Web Site

2006 | Botanica e interfaz

Botanica e Interfaz was recently approved by the Research Committee at lo Andes University - So, now we have a small budget to develop it. "Botanica e Interfaz " consists in the creation of a native plant garden and the interconnection of this garden with some databases related with information about the situation of the environment in Colombia. The project is developed with the aid of a biologist and an electric engineers. This project is a collaboration with Patricia Nino and the PhD Jorge Sofrony. Patricia Nino is a Colombian artist working on robotics who also has projects in the University of Plymouth in the U.K. Jorge Sofrony has a PhD in electronic engineer in the field of "control".

more info comming soon

2006 | Stream Platform: "Beagle"

Implementation of different initiatives of streaming media and streaming video based almost in its totality in Open Source software for development of different academic initiatives at Los Andes University. We are working on a program to transmit using Darwin Streaming Server several conferences from the university to the outside. The streaming platform "Beagle" and its content was selected as representation of our University in RUMBO, Red Universitaria Metropolitana de Bogot�. RUMBO is in fact, the Internet 2 project for Colombia.

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